Alternate Take With Danny Mancera

#84 - 33rd Sheriff of LA County - Alex Villanueva



*Recorded on June 7th, 2023* Danny talks with the 33rd Sheriff of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), Alex Villanueva, about his childhood, his military/law enforcement background, the changes he’s seen in LASD over the years, why he wanted to become the sheriff, the achievements he accomplished while sheriff, the homeless problem in LA, how he handled C0V1D-l9, D.A George Gascon, his experience dealing with The LA County Board of Supervisors, his view on the current state of California, his reaction to the media claiming the existence of "deputy gangs", what self defense laws regular citizens should be aware of, his advice on how to handle cyber crimes, his relationship with all the sheriff's in California, thoughts on Governor Newsome, his debate vs the current sheriff of LA, his favorite part of his LASD career, his take on why someone should still sign up to be an officer/deputy in today's world, and his aspirations/plans going forward. Follow us on Instagram for upda