Empowered Empaths

Energy and the Empath: The Phenomenon of Hyper Sensitivity



Join Martha and Kristin for a discussion about how energy has an impact on empaths. Many of us have been there before, you walk into a room and can “feel” that something is not quite right. Without being told, you zero in on the person who is troubled and feel the need to be of assistance because you may feel it’s your duty to help. Or you know when something or someone is “off” and feel the need to leave the premises. You may also feel someone’s pain or illness. Welcome to the world of the Empath! Of course there’s more to being an Empath but I think we get the message. Being an Empath is significantly different from being empathetic, for example, I can have empathy with someone who has a toothache because I have experienced it myself and can honestly say that I understand. I feel your pain because I too have had a similar experience. An Empath feels your discomfort without having had the experience personally because Empaths are highly and deeply sensitive to the energy of a person or situation. It is impor