Totally Oral Podcast

Eugene Royzengurt and High End Removable Prosthodontics



This week Russell interviews Eugene Royzengurt LD which Russell finds out stands for Licensed Denturist. Eugene is one of the few licensed denturists in Utah where he teaches at the GPR program.  He owns a small one man lab and lectures as well.  Russell and Eugene discuss various aspects of removable prosth for the hour as well as how removable has moved up in promenience in the world of dentistry (at least in our eyes).   Russell was pretty badly prepared for this interview and he didn't even realize that Lance had Eugene on back in 2016.  If you want to listen to that interview, the link is here The link to Eugene's previous webinar that he did for Vita The link for his upcoming course with Vita on August 4th and 5th, you can sign up online for only 400 bucks which seems like a darn good deal to me at a least.   Implant Supported Removable Restorations Workshop