
Insights for a vigilant society



What are you doing on June 25th? I'll be at a picnic and you are more than welcome. George Orwell, renowned author and social critic, remains exceptionally relevant in our modern world. His life and writings offer us profound insights into power dynamics, government control, surveillance, and the manipulation of information.  Orwell's works, particularly "1984" and including "Animal Farm," provide crucial warnings and reflections on the perils of authoritarianism and the erosion of individual freedoms. Despite being written 73 years ago Orwell's "1984," depicts a pervasive surveillance state not dissimilar to our own era of government surveillance and mass data collection. And we continue to have concerns about the balance between security and privacy. More relevant than ever is Orwell's concept of "Newspeak", reflected in the manipulation and distortion of language for political purposes in our current age of misinformation, fake news, and the weaponisation of social media.  His exploration of thought c