Jamie Clubb's Podcast

Martial Movie Massacre VIII: The Beginning



The annual Martial Movie Massacre event continues with this spotlight on 1980s US martial arts movies, the films that shaped the landscape for what I watched during my early training days.  Using 1988 as our spotlight year and a stand alone comic-strip, we will look into the major changes that took place in the low budget world of US martial arts movies and the four icons that shaped the following decade. The 1970s martial arts movie scene had been largely dominated by the Kung Fu genre, mainly imported from Hong Kong. Enter the Dragon, released in 1973, was the first Hollywood Asian martial arts movie and should have paved the way, but instead a huge void was left by the tragic death of Bruce Lee. It was only in the late '70s that some independent film-makers in the west believed they could change the face of western action movies by infusing them with a richer variety of fight choreography.  Shownotes/links: Clubb Chimera WebsiteClubb Chimera Facebook PageClubb Chimera TwitterClubb Chimera YouTubeClubb