Pacey Performance Podcast

Understanding what maximises training transfer through intelligent data collection with Nick Lumley



This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast features Head of Athletic Performance at the New South Wales Waratahs in Super Rugby, Nick Lumley. This episode is all about maximising training transfer and understanding what best transfers based on an intelligent use of testing and a good understanding of data. In the first half of the episode we chat through Nick's philosophy when it comes to building strong, powerful rugby players capable of performing at the highest level. He talks about his use of non-technically demanding exercises like the leg press over the squat and how he has changed the way he programmes. Nick also details how he makes alterations to his programme for the bigger guys in the squad. In the second half of the episode we dive into training transfer. Nick explains what data he collects on a regular basis and how he manipulates that data to understand which exercises do and don't transfer to the qualities he and the coaches want to see on the field. Performance in which exercises predict sp