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Sal's Travel Diet - How Sal Daher works on keeping off 100 pounds on the road



Nearly two years after starting the effort to take off and keep off 100 pounds, I took a series of trips. Here’s how I coped with the challenges of being on the road and maintaining my weight. Highlights: ·      Trips to Napa Valley, Hamburg and San Sebastián Took Me Away from my Usual Supports ·      Travelling Heavy to Napa Valley ·      “…there may be people who can travel and not gain weight. But I’m not one of them. Therefore, I have to do unreasonable things to keep off those 100 pounds.” ·      Traveled Ultra-light to Hamburg – Just Carry-on ·      A Thought about the Effects of Alcohol on Sleep ·      Traveled Medium-heavy to San Sebastián – 23 Days Away Is a Long Time