Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Living With Conviction with Toby Dorr



Why do people commit crimes?  Are people really bad?  Driven to be bad and consequently unable to be reformed by the prison system?  These are some of the questions we explore today with our guest Toby Dorr, subject of the Lifetime movie Jailbreak Lovers, and author of the number one bestselling memoir, Living with Conviction. Toby made a conscious choice to use her twenty-seven months in prison as a time to heal and make new choices about her life. Her turning point was when she was at her lowest, during her second time in suicide watch. The revelation she found during her time in isolation is what Toby says gave her life purpose and direction. None of us is our worst mistake. Nor are any of us inherently bad or incapable of reform and change. In our past conversations with criminal justice reformer, Justin Brooks, the topic of why people commit crimes has come up over and over again. The answer is simple. Trauma. By teaching that your life and your value are not defined by your worst mistake, Toby pushes p