Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

The Creative Cure with Jacob Nordby



What if the most important thing we need to do TO SURVIVE is to be imaginative?  Activate our full creative potential? Your relationship with your creativity is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.  What you believe about creativity reflects what you believe about yourself.  But, somewhere along the way, we traded our natural, immersive creativity for logic, predictability, correctness, and responsibility.  Perhaps someone told you “you’re not that creative” or “your art is no good,” and you believed them. You may also have experienced something traumatic, which understandably shut down your creative self, as you had to prioritize survival over imagination. The single biggest thing we need to heal as we face an era of uncertainty and as we stand on the brink of a creative revolution that promises to hold the solutions to the challenges facing humanity today, is to believe in our own creative capacity.  Our guest today, Jacob Nordby, author of the book The Creative Cure, believes that EVERY HUMAN I