Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Activating The Divine Spark with Stephanie James



What does it mean to live a spark-filled life? It means waking up to a morning of possibility and potential that you intentionally plug into. I means moving past your past and learning to fully be in the present moment to create the kind of future you want, full of joy, abundance and magical moments. This is an excerpt from Stephanie James book, The Spark. It sounds so simple - just let go of the past and be present. But the reality of this simple solution isn’t always easy in the beginning. To make the transformation and to embody the choice to be present means that we have to undo our past programming and rewire our brains. In the traditional personal and spiritual growth community, there is a lot of talk about how simple it is to transform and create a magical life. We don’t often look at the work involved in rewiring the brain and undoing past programming. Transformation can be painful and difficult, but that doesn’t mean we should back pedal from it and avoid the pain. Pain is an essential part of healin