Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

The Five Elements with Dondi Dahlin



We often operate on the assumption that humans are all the same. We have similar drives, desires and temperament. It’s almost like there’s some kind of earthly blueprint for being human and any variation that we experience away from this blueprint makes us wrong, bad or less than. Many of you may have had this experience. We are raised in families that either feel comfortable to us or families that we struggle to fit in to. I’m not talking about love here. I’m talking about feeling like you belong or fit or are even SIMILAR to the people you grow up with. The truth is, after coaching people for more than 28 years, most people feel like they don’t fit in or that there is something wrong with them. Most people feel like they don’t quite fit in… Ancient wisdom has taught us for centuries that life is comprised of different energies embodied in the elements fire, earth, water, wood and metal and that these elements have different qualities and characteristics. The five elements originated in ancient Chinese medic