Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Dr. Paul Drouin and Integrated Quantum Medicine



The marriage of quantum science and health care - integrative health care - has the potential to change the meaning we give illness and empowers us to create a new definition of healthcare - The kind of health care that is compassionate, is easily available to everyone and radically reduces the need for a way of doing medicine that, in essence, heals only the final physical manifestation of pain, not always the root cause of the pain in the first place. Quantum science shows us that when we manifest illness or disease on a physical level, we have been energetically harboring the root cause of our illness, long before it shows up in the body. This isn’t a new idea.  Many ancient health care systems such as aryuveda and acupuncture, have know this for thousands of years.  More modern healing systems such as energy psychology, flower essences, essential oils, homeopathy or even healing touch support this idea, too.  Quantum science has given us the proof that by the time we experience pain or disease on a physic