Podcast Talent Coach

How Do I Drive Traffic To My Podcast – PTC 447



DRIVE TRAFFIC FOR SUCCESS How many listeners are enough? Just a few more. We all want more listeners. But, how do I drive traffic to my podcast? My son and I went to the movie theater this weekend to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It was good. I'm a big Harrison Ford fan. Do you ever wonder why the big movie studios are so quick to jump on the sequel bandwagon? It isn't simply easy money. It's easy marketing. When they release a sequel, they don't have to work as hard to drive traffic to the movie. The main character is already familiar to the audience. The basic famework of the movie doesn't need explaination. With a sequel, half the work is already done. They simply need to make fans aware that the movie is available. The same is true with your podcast. It is much easier to keep current listeners than it is to attract new ones. When podcasters reach out to me for their free strategy session, they answer a few questions before we get on the call. One question I ask is, "In what ways do you need help with y