Aphasia Access Conversations

Episode #108: Supporting Quality of Life through Biographic-narrative Therapy: A Conversation with Sabine Corsten



Welcome to the Aphasia Access Aphasia Conversations Podcast. I’m Katie Strong and I’m a member of the Aphasia Access Podcast Working Group. I'm also a faculty member at Central Michigan University where I lead the Strong Story Lab. Aphasia Access strives to provide members with information, inspiration, and ideas that support their aphasia care through a variety of educational materials and resources. I'm today's host for an episode that will feature Dr. Sabine Corsten. We’ll be talking about her work which focuses on supporting people with aphasia in reconstructing their narrative identity. Before we get into the conversation, let me first tell you a bit about our guest.   Dr. Corsten, Professor of Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences (Speech Therapy), employed at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany, has focused her research on participatory and quality of life-oriented interventions for aphasia and in old age.  Her research explores how identity changes after having aphasia. She has