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FLAVOR TEXT: Warhammer 40,000



Were you born into power? Made into something greater than yourself through a tragic combination of technology and human flesh? Did you hear the dark calls of the endless void and now bear the mark of Khorne himself? Have you been assimilated into the ever growing hivemind of the Tyranid through consumption and have no say in the matter? Regardless, you're here now and we're talking about Warhammer 40,000! Join us today while we talk a bit about the Warhammer 40k property, some background, and dive into some of the greatest forces to wage war across the endless stretches of our universe. Open the sanctifying oils, load up you chainsaw gun, and whisper your prayers to the sexy sex god of sex. Link to the Imgur library: More places to get your 40k fix: Lorehammer Podcast: A huge warhammer battle: a more crunchy rundown of how different f