Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 749: Anytime, Anyplace



If there was a penalty for exceeding a maximum amount of live gigs, we'd be doing hard time. We learned the good way that a gig can be enjoyed beyond the usual venues. Over the years we taken in shows in parking lots, sidewalks, parade floats a.o. That's not even counting the myriad of basement shows. In our "News, Views and Tunes", we reminisce about the "Airheads" flick. Musically, we crank new and used from Vendetta, Marduk, MainEEaxe, Attitude Adjustment, Escuela Grind, Artificial Dissemination and Battle Born! Horns Up and Stay Healthy! This Episode is sponsored by Trve Kvlt Coffee. Summon the coffee demons to possess yourself a cup today! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram