Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

The Frictionless Formula for Growing Cash-Based Revenue



Feeling the pressure of declining PT reimbursements and rising costs? Considering adding cash-based services to increase profitability and improve patient outcomes? In this special episode, you’ll hear from a panel of practice owners who added cash-based services and successfully improved patient outcomes while increasing revenue in their practice. You'll discover what cash-based services are working today and learn best practices for rolling out a cash-based service in your clinic. Guest speakers include practice owners who have implemented therapeutic lasers, electrical stimulation devices, and 3D running technology. Jason Waz, Practice Owner of Competitive Edge Performance and Founder of NeuPTtech, grew cash revenue to $50,000/month without adding more square footage — and increased revenue by $15 a visit in the first year after adding a cash-based service. Maggie Hammerschmidt, Practice Owner of Team Rehabilitation-Lincoln Park, was able to monetize her passion for running and help elevate othe