Paragon Church

Intro to Revelation



Are you ready for Revelation? This Sunday we begin our journey into the "majestic waters" of the book of Revelation. As one writer put it... the book of Revelation can be described the same way Winston Churchill described Russia in the 1930's "...a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside of an enigma." I will give you fair warning as we enter into this study... my goal is not to answer all your questions (because I can't)... but instead, my goal is to make much of Jesus because ultimately, that is what Revelation is all about. The Majesty and the Glory of the Lamb who was slain, King Jesus, who is coming again to rule and the reign forever. No matter what disagreements people have about this book, no matter what view point on interpretation you may take (preterist, historical, futurist, or idealist), no matter how you see the millenium come about (pre-, a-, or post-) we need to focus on the fact.. THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN to GIVE UNSHAKABLE HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS both then and now... and to encourage us