Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

Interview with a Private Practice Owner: How to Handle Covid-19 at Ground Zero



Interview with Mike Lewis re: How to Handle Covid-19 at Ground Zero. Get more interviews, videos, and resources here: (Mike's clinic is 3.5 miles from the Seattle nursing home where the first US cases of Covid-19 popped up). Mike is a Practice Owner and is currently earning his PhD in Healthcare Leadership. He is a husband and father as well (and touches on this). Some of what Mike covers: - How WAPT Rehab is handling workshops. - Control the Controllable. - What your team needs from you the most right now. And what to do if you can't deliver. - Why he did not send out an email (as of yet) on the virus - but what he did do on his website with Neil. - What his team is doing right now with the patients who do drop off.