Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

Work ON Your Business, Not IN It: PT Edition



How Systematized Is Your Practice? Are you still trading time for money or are you working to completely automate your practice? It's the step that allows you to move to the next level. It's the point where the success of your practice doesn't on you trading time for money, but where your business makes money without you. If you've ever said "I want to work ON my business, not IN it" then this is the step we're talking about. That line comes from E-Myth by Michael Gerber, and it's the next phase to focus on after you’re in control of getting new patients. It's the phase where you start building systems to automate your practice. For instance, 2 weeks ago we had a workshop with 35 registrants. Tomorrow, I'm hosting another workshop with a potential 57 registrants. This all came about with minimal marketing effort on my part because I have systems in place and a team to help me automate. And I'm going to show you exactly how you can do the same thing.Why We’ve Got To Stick Together... Visit www.breakth