Jamie Clubb's Podcast

Son of Martial Movie Massacre



This episode we continue our annual “Martial Movie Massacre” event with contributions from these really excellent people. There’s Kris Wilder of the Back Channel and Martial Arts & Life podcasts, Mary Stevens founder of the Athena School of Karate and author of the Warrior Monkeys books, fabulous newcomer to the show, Vijay Pathak of Forest School of Karate, new guest but regular contributor to the questions section of the show, Daragh Breahnach of Navan Wing Tsun, Peter Jones founder of Kajuen Ryu Ju Jutus and author of  “Ninja Nurse” returns with another reality check on martial movie injuries, Les Bubka of the Anxious Black Belt podcast and author of the book of the same name, and finally regular questions contributor and founder of Kuroten Karate, Tracey Radley.  Put down the gloves and pick up the popcorn for: “Son of Martial Movie Massacre”. Shownotes/links: Clubb Chimera WebsiteClubb Chimera Facebook PageClubb Chimera TwitterClubb Chimera YouTubeClubb Chimera InstagramJamie Clubb BooksKris WilderMa