Dc Entrepreneur

Dawn Myers founder THE MOST and DC Director, The Vinetta Project



On this episode, George speaks with Dawn Myers, founder of THE MOST and of The Vinetta Project. THE MOST is a beauty-tech company looking to disrupt an $87 Billion dollar Industry featuring natural hair products for women of color, to help address the invisible pain points in textured hair styling. Dawn lives to inspire entrepreneurs to walk in their purpose and build out their visions through her legal background and work as an entrepreneur. Dawn is a start-up ecosystem architect, having launched and managed educational programming for entrepreneurs throughout the Washington metropolitan area. As Ambassador to Black Girl Ventures and Director at The Vinetta Project, Dawn develops seminars, bootcamps, and accelerator programming for up and coming founders of color. The Vinetta Project is a capital platform and deal flow pipeline that supports high growth female tech founders. It helps source high potential female founders with proven business models, offering them unprecedented access to proprietary events, r