The Melissa Ambrosini Show

522: Behind The Scenes Of My Work-Life Dance When Life Threw Me A Curveball



Most of us wear a LOT of hats in our life. For me, my hats include mama, wife, CEO… and that’s just for starters!Doing the dance between those roles can be a LOT. (It’s often called a “juggle” for a reason — it can feel like you’ve got a heap of balls in the air, and if you drop one, it might just shatter.)Though there’s a lot of talk in our culture about “work-life balance”, we don’t often get to *see* the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into navigating all the different areas of life. (I also don’t even love the word ‘balance’ in this context, because very often, it’s *not* balanced, and that’s okay!)So in this episode, I’m getting super real and raw with you, to share how I personally navigated the dance between my roles as mama and CEO during a particularly challenging time.To give you a brief rundown: Nick was away, my daughter got sick, then I got sick too. On top of that, there was a lot going on in my business as well. All up, it was BIG, and hard which needed a lot of surrender, leaning on my villa