Feel To Heal With Sharyn Nichols

What’s in Your Vat? ~ Sharyn Nichols



Feel To Heal with Sharyn Nichols  How are you swimming through life? Do you find yourself treading water, focusing on just staying afloat? Are you constantly swimming against the current, tethered to the vat of the past? So many of us are dragging our own vat of unresolved and unexplored feelings with us wherever we go. What if you could free yourself from that dead weight, embrace the ebb and flow, and finally enjoy the ride on the wave of life? On this week’s show, we will be discussing how identifying what’s in your vat can be an important first step towards emotional healing. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Feel To Heal With Sharyn Nichols ~  Sharyn Nichols is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Life Guide in Los Angeles, California. With over 25 years of experience in mental health and wellness, Sharyn offers a holistic approach drawing from a number of diverse techniques from the yogic traditions, Human Design, and evidence-b