Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Ep 174 | How Money and Marriage Intersect



When President Biden took office early in 2021, the average price of diesel fuel in the U.S. was $2.50. Within eighteen months it had doubled to about $5:00 a gallon. Of that, about $0.25 a gallon is federal tax, while states tax on average another $0:50. California taxes diesel at the rate of $0:94 per gallon. Diesel fuel is used for almost everything. It has doubled in price in less than 2 years. Yet we are told that inflation is running at “only” 8.3%. Don’t be a sap; augment your income with a raise, another job, a side-hustle, or whatever you can. Blueprint for fantastic marriage involves man supporting his wife. Your rabbi knows that this may not be practical for every couple. But when a woman grants her husband the privilege of supporting her while she focuses on building a home and family she is also assisting his financial abilities. 70% of high earning men have a stay-at-home wife. Subscribe to Thought Tools https://rabbidaniellapin.com/category/thought-tools/  Knowing that he is working not just fo