Matt Brown Show

MBS083 - Adi Zuk & Emma Du Preez, The Rapid Insights Team



Research. This is arguably one of the most undervalued initiatives that any business can take but interestingly, it seems that research as a strategic capability is to this day not used by many entrepreneurs and business owners and even worse ignored entirely. The other day I was interviewing Anish Shivdasani, the founder and CEO of Giraffe who happened to win the global Seedstars program and we were talking about “market liquidity” – which refers to the extent to which your market buys your businesses products and or services. Now all the worlds leading companies are involved in some form of research driven market liquidity initiative and so if you are not doing independent research into your market then you really are missing an opportunity to position you and your business as a thought leader in the space. Take my company Matt Brown Media for example, we have our own market liquidity initiative by undertaking the largest ever independent research project into the South African podcasting industry – and thi