Becoming Elli - Strong Fit Women Over 50, With Jill Mccauslin & Chris Brown

Healthy Weight from Spices and Greens



In episode 135, Jill and Chris speak about using spices and greens for a healthy weight with Joanna Wen.  Joanna Wen is a weight loss coach who helps her clients lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Her unique approach helps her clients love their food and lose weight without deprivation. She also helps her clients get to the true root cause of their overeating and remove those blocks so that they keep the weight off once and for all., Joanna specializes in online nutrition and weight loss coaching through her website, Spices & Greens. Joanna has studied and experimented extensively with the healing powers of food to de-stress, gain energy, and lose weight.  When she contacted us, she said that she enjoys learning about nutrition for longevity because she is approaching her 50th birthday.   For more information visit our website at BecomingElli,com.