Gallup Called To Coach

Leaning Into Your Strengths During COVID-19 -- S8E27



Bruno Zadeh, Gallup Senior Learning Consultant, was our guest on a recent Called to Coach. Bruno conducted informal polls of several hundred Gallup-Certified Strengths Coaches in Australia and New Zealand, and shared how they are using their CliftonStrengths as they face the many challenges they encounter as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. These challenges include learning how to work virtually and to be productive in this new context, and balancing work at home, family time, and homeschooling of their children. The webcast highlighted the many resources Gallup offers for employees and parents as they learn to navigate this unique environment.Learn how you can lean into your strengths during COVID-19. View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at needs a coach. By becoming a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, you can empower others to succeed. We are teaching and tra