No Agenda

1576 - "Disease X"



No Agenda Episode 1576 - "Disease X" "Disease X" Executive Producers: Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia Baronetess of the Rustling Forests Jennifer Wilson Wirt Fuller Troy Peterson nathan traywick Sir Wolfpack Ultra Danielle Dougherty Jeff Greene Associate Executive Producers: Kelly Allison Sir Ever of the What Dame Ammes of Lake Country Sir Ramsey Cain Baron Sir Lee Furious James Lee Sir Scott Best step mom in the universe! Sir Matt Linda Lupatkin Dana Brunetti - Govenor of Eldorado 1576 Club Members: Become a member of the 1577 Club, support the show here Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Title Changes Sir Lee Furious > Baronet Knights & Dames Janice Hall > Baronetess of the Rustling Forests Amy Dunn > Dame Ammes of Lake Country Brian Wolf > Sir Wolfpack Ultra Ian Trimble > Sir LordZeek of Louisiana Art By: Dirty Jer