Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey




Today we will hear from Joseph Skillin, an Author and family caregiver.  Joseph powerful book is one most will need sooner than they think. With someone in America developing Alzheimer’s every 71 seconds, you could be the next person suddenly forced to care for your mother or father.“CONFESSIONS OF A CAREGIVER: When Alzheimer’s Comes to Your Home” helps families prepare for the emotional roller---coaster of this degenerative disease.  The book includes 24 prayers to guide caregivers in faith,as well as 8 practical steps all caregivers can use to protect their mental and emotional health. Skillin watched his mother slowly die from Alzheimer’s. He calls his brother---in---law every week to support him as he cares for his sister, who is being erased by Alzheimer’s. He and his wife have been taking care of her Alzheimer’s mom for nine years. He knows, from firsthand experience, what Alzheimer’s does to the heart, soul and emotions of the caregiver. Email: Phone:  770-622-0065Support thi