Tradies In Business

TBS032 How To Attract And Retain The Right Staff



Staff. They're your ticket to freedom as a trade business owner and unfortunately, seem to be a source of many headaches as well. Once the fear of actually hiring someone new is overcome, one of the biggest headaches tradies in business suffer is finding, recruiting and retaining the right staff. While it may seem like an exercise in pot luck, there is in fact a process to follow that will increase the likelihood of you finding someone who is a great fit for you, your business and your customers. And no, it doesn't start by placing an ad in your local newspaper. The first step is to actually write (yes, on paper) the job description for the role you're filling. Then you need to carefully craft the ad, work out the best place to run it and screen the applicants to get your final candidates for a group interview. Yes, we said group interview! Listen in as Warrick and Michaela go through the critical steps to getting the hiring process right. Oh, and keep an ear out for another of Warrick's (terrible) 'dad jokes