Tradies In Business

TBS031: What Would Wazza Do Vol1 - How To Avoid Customer Service Disasters



Have you ever had one of 'those' jobs where you knew it was going to go pear shaped from the start? Where you wished you'd listened to your gut instinct and told the customer you were booked out, or too dear or something?! They can be a real nightmare when it comes to your customer service standards and making sure your name isn't tarnished as a result. Well, in our first installment of 'What Would Wazza Do?' we take a look at a situation just like this where a tradie took on a job that was doomed from the start. We also discuss some ideas for how to deal with this and how to avoid a similar customer service disaster next time...and an argument with your spouse! The post TBS031: What Would Wazza Do Vol1 - How To Avoid Customer Service Disasters appeared first on Tradies Business Show.See for privacy information.