Tradies In Business

TBS026: Lifting The Lid On The New QBCC With The Man Himself - Commissioner Steve Griffin



If you're a licenced contractor you've no doubt questioned the worth of paying that fee every year. What do you even get in return for your money, apart from increasing levels of scrutiny and regulation? Well, in Queensland it seems times are changing. The 'old BSA' (Building Services Authority) has been replaced by the QBCC (Queensland Building and Construction Commission). It's now run like a business with a board and it's own decision making powers and stand alone funding model. Heading up the QBCC is Commissioner Steve Griffin, who is passionate about ensuring licensees get more than just a piece of paper and a set of rules to adhere to. Listen to our interview with Commissioner Griffin and you'll find out his thoughts on handling disputes with customers; getting more from your marketing; simple business systems to help you leverage your time and more. We literally came away feeling inspired about the future of tradies in Queensland and you don't get that from a regulator every day of the week! The post