Tradies In Business

TBS008: How To Have A Healthy Body, Mind And Bottom Line With Sharny Kieser



Today we interview Sharny Kieser who, along with husband Julius, has authored 13 books on fitness including the worldwide bestsellers FITlosophy 1&2, Healthy Junk, Fit, Healthy Happy Kids and Fit, Healthy, Happy Mum. They have 5 children and live on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Find out more by heading to their website Sharny talks with us about: -How to keep fit when you're tired after a long day on the tools-Eating right for energy, stamina and a good looking bod-Balancing work, family, exercise and meal planning, and-Some simple tips on keeping your relationship hot! The post TBS008: How To Have A Healthy Body, Mind and Bottom Line with Sharny Kieser appeared first on Tradies Business Show.See for privacy information.