This Anthro Life

The Hidden World of Sh*t (a farewell to 2020)



Language warning. We use the word sh*t a lot in this episode, since it is, in fact all about poop. To wrap up this crappy, some may even say shitty year, host Adam Gamwell and intern Elizabeth Smyth discuss the origin of the word shit, how the way we defecate is culturally constructed, what our poop reveals about us, and so much more in this New Year’s Eve mini-episode of This Anthro Life. Farewell 2020, it’s been real.In this episode we dig into:What poop tells us about culture and our biologyWhether to sit or squat?Poop’s superpower for healing gut microbiota and potential energy sourceHow poop in space might tell us if we are, in fact, extraterrestrials ourselvesAlso check our new blog Voice and Value where we dive deeper into all things human: Voice and Value – MediumArticles referenced:The History of Poop Is Really the History of TechnologyPoop Worlds: Material Culture and Copropower (or, Toward a Shitty Turn)Poop (Somatosphere)How Fossilized Poop Gives Us The Scoop on Ancient DietsWatching What We Flush