The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 711: The Truth About Hormones - Weight Loss, Stress, & Individuality - With Dr. Sara Gottfried



“A daily mind-body practice is non-negotiable.” ~Dr. Sara Gottfried Hard to imagine something worse than busting your tail to improve your health and seeing no progress. But being confronted with new research that seemingly erects additional hurdles can feel even more defeating. Doing battle with your genetic makeup sounds like a losing fight, right? Luckily, today’s guest brings expert insights that offer solid hope and ways to utilize new research to our advantage. Dr. Sara Gottfried is not only a leading researcher, physician, NYT best-selling author, and MIT and Harvard graduate… she’s also one of my favorite human beings on the planet. Her patients benefit from her 25 years of medical experience, expertise on hormones, and sensible approach that puts lifestyle changes above sole dependence on pharmaceutical solutions. Dr. Gottfried is the Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, also Director of Precision Medicine at t