Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Ep 208 | Discover If Deep Down You Are A Reality Denier



Two simple but powerful strategies for you to follow in order to be taken more seriously. Do you feel that hormone blockers and radical genital surgery should be inflicted on 16-year-olds? You might just be a Reality Denier.  Do you feel that the brazen robbers who ransack hi end clothing stores, jewelry stores, and luxury retailers do so on account of capitalism, racism, sexism, or poverty? You just might be a Reality Denier. Do you feel that governments can spend whatever they like because they can always print more money? You might just be a Reality Denier. Ryan might or might not be a Reality Denier but he is a young man who wrote me explaining why he has chosen to keep women out of his life. Is Ryan going to become a priest? Not even close. Ryan doesn’t like the women he meets on the Internet dating site, Tinder. His alternative is celibacy, and he thinks that is just fine. I answer Ryan on this show. Ryan would find useful life perspectives here.  https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/buried-treasure/  S