Devops And Docker Talk

Future of Kubernetes with Brendan Burns



Bret and Matt welcome special guest Brendan Burns, CVP Azure Cloud Native & Resource Management, and also a founding member of the Kubernetes project.Because Brendan is one of the three original co-founders of the Kubernetes project back in 2013 at Google, he's a little bit internet famous in open source and Cloud Native. So I was a little nervous going into this because I had so many questions. We took some live questions as we always do from YouTube live, and I thought it was a really great episode of a little mix of talking about Azure and some of the things you can do with containers, some of the things they're working on, some of the things that he's focused on that we haven't seen yet. We talk about AI and how that relates to some of these things. We even talk about WASM or WebAssembly, one of my favorite topics of the last year, because that's important so it was great to get his perspective. And I think my favorite part of the show is where we really talk about the next layers of abstraction, or m