Champion Center

Living in the Tension



Have you ever wondered how to grow your faith as a new Christian? You have to be willing to live in the tension of faith! Sometimes that means learning how to believe God's Word is true, even when you don't see the results you expect right away. Join Pastor Nathan Miller as he explores some of Jesus' encounters in the Bible and explains how to believe in the midst of a trial.avHavou ever wondered how to grow your faith as a new Christian? You have to be willing to live in the tensionHave you ever wondered how to grow your faith as a new Christian? You have to be willing to live in the tension of faith! Sometimes that means learning how to believe God's Word is true, even when you don't see the results you expect right away. Join Pastor Nathan Miller as he explores some of Jesus' encounters in the Bible and explains how to believe in the midst of a trial. of faith! Sometimes that means learning how to believe God's Word is true, even when you don't see the results you expect right away. Join Pastor Nathan Mill