Consciousness And Energy Healing Expert Sherry Anshara's Your Wake Up Call

Consciousness, Energy Healing and Time



Consciousness, Energy Healing and Time     Hi, I’m Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert, and it’s your time for consciousness. This is your Wake Up Call.     A Sherryism: How you invest your time is how your time pays off! Invest wisely!  There’s not enough time, time escapes me, did you ever see time escape you?  Time is actually a tool.  Time spells TI - ME. You have too much time on your hands? Are your hands a clock?   Time is only an increment in which to have an experience. Fabulous or what, how you utilize the increments is what are your direct results! Time is in your possession!  It doesn’t own you. It’s what you are being that creates your doing. It’s not about the doing doing, doing. When you invest, and how you utilize those increments become the direct results of your experiences. What about Wasting time?  There’s no such thing as time…..Listen in for more!     Join us everyday at and be motivated, be surprised about yourself everyday, get excited and re