Consciousness And Energy Healing Expert Sherry Anshara's Your Wake Up Call

Consciousness, Energy Healing and Limited Belief Systems



Consciousness, Energy Healing and Limited Belief Systems     Hi, I’m Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert, and it’s your time for consciousness. This is your Wake Up Call.   Go beyond Limited Belief Systems. Another Sherryism: Life is a matter of Facts, so stop living the fiction that doesn’t matter!  As part of Waking Up, you are more aware than you think you are, than you have been programmed in those limited belief systems to believe.     Join us everyday at and be motivated, be surprised about yourself everyday, get excited and remember, keep your head out of your “B.S. Belief Systems!”     I am Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert and its time for you to be fully conscious, fully aware, and fully active as an evolved, conscious evolutionary.     Wake Up to Consciousness!  Your Host Sherry Anshara covers subjects like Energy Healing, Belief Systems, Clearing Blocks, Removing Lack, Financial Abundance, Chakras, Getting Unstuck, Holisitc Healing, and more.