Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 47, Pt. 1 | 2018 This “Beer” in Review | Live from Gaslight Lounge in St. Louis, MO



Happy “Brew” Year! 2018 is in the rear view mirror, but it’s time to reflect on all the great things that happened throughout this year in beer…and drink a few more in the process! While I was at home in St. Louis for the holidays, my friend, beer expert, and Craft Republic distributor Dave Scarmana and I met up at Gaslight Lounge for a couple of brews and to discuss some of the best parts about craft beer in 2018. In Round 1 of this 2-part episode, we talk about a few notable beer trends from 2018, namely some of the styles that we saw rise in popularity or become more legitimized over the course of the year. You’ll also hear about some of our personal beer trips, and a quick recap of the Pubcast’s 2018 highlights. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!