Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 25 | The Yacht Week | Live from the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Croatia



I’M ON A BOAT! That’s right, this episode DOES NOT take place in a bar or brewery, but rather aboard a sailing yacht in the middle of the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Croatia. This special edition of Pubcast Worldwide is all about The Yacht Week, and the crazy skippers, hostesses, and international party animals that make this week-long sailing event one of the biggest ragers on the planet!  On my recent holiday in Europe, I was lucky enough to have Brad Dupen as the skipper for our boat. Originally from South Africa, Brad has sailed and worked everywhere from the Bahamas to the coasts of England, and we decided his story was just too good to pass up for a Pubcast episode. While you’ll certainly get to hear about Brad’s own journey moving up in the nautical world, we also walk you through the antics of The Yacht Week as we share party stories over Croatian beers during our week at sea. But you won’t just have to hear it from us: plenty of other “Yacht Week All-Stars” contribute to the stories in this episode