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016: “Flight School” with Texas Ale Project – Live from Dallas, TX



It’s been awhile since we’ve done an episode of “Flight School,” and there was no better place to start that up again than at Texas Ale Project in Dallas, TX. As you might know, Texas is HOT, and the beers that Texas Ale Project is brewing are the perfect answer to the Texas heat. With plenty of German-influenced beers or just a good brew with a clean finish, this flavorful flight made for a great reintroduction to Texas beer. In this episode, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Derrick “Moose” Rima, the Lead Brewer at Texas Ale Project, and quite frankly just a great guy to have a drink with. Moose first discovered his love for beer while serving in the military over in Germany. His stories give us an understanding of the Dallas craft beer community, and some of his own unconventional methods of staying hydrated while drinking.