Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 29- Paul Masvidal (Cynic) with Christina Tobin



On March 20, 2014 Christina Tobin interviewed Paul Masvidal, guitarist and vocalist with progressive metal band Cynic, who will be performing at Free & Equal's United We Stand Festival May 10th at UCLA. Masvidal formed Cynic as a young teen in the late '80s in Florida; was recruited by the late Chuck Schuldiner to play guitar with Death in 1991; released the first Cynic record in 1993, and broke up after several years; Masvidal went on to attend UCLA, Musicians Institute; he studied jazz, worked in television and film, released an album with a folkgroup, Æon Spoke. He regrouped with Cynic in 2008, releasing four albums in five years. He talks about how important it is to have integrity and follow your heart in your work, how Frank Zappa went up against the government on music censorship, how big Pharma is keeping people sick instead of searching for cures, and how he worked with Jim Carrey on a children’s book, How Roland Rolls. Discussing the spiritual path of Cynic’s music (Paul is a Buddhist), he ob