Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 26- Diane Goldstein (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)



On December, 18, 2013, Christina Tobin interviewed Diane Goldstein, board member and spokesperson for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). Goldstein is a retired lieutenant from Redondo Beach who believes we need to reform our criminal justice system and move our drug policy under a public health model. She talks about how critical resources for fighting crime are being diverted to the drug wars and how people struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health issues are not getting the help they really need. Goldstein notes that some may think that the idea of law enforcement against prohibition is something of an oxymoron, but over 5,000 current, retired, and former criminal justice professionals, from police officers and supreme court justices, are members of LEAP. Goldstein talks about how criminal justice system lobbyists tend to focus on self-serving agendas, growing the system, rather than serving the people. She also talks about how her own brother’s struggles with substance abuse helped