Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 24- Marianne Williamson with Christina Tobin



During an interview on December 16, 2013, Christina Tobin talks with New York Times best-selling author, lecturer, spiritualist, activist Marianne Williamson, who has recently announced that she will be running as an Independent, seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives, California’s Congressional District 33. According to Williamson, “The average citizen is locked out, locked out politically, locked out educationally, and locked out economically…. Looking to the political status quo to fix this situation has become absurd, because they created it, and they depend on it, and they work within it. That’s why I’m running as an Independent candidate.” She notes that the major successful social justice movements came from the people. They didn’t come from a major political party, a “calcified institutional corner that is only looking to protect its own power. That’s not where we are going to find deliverance from the problem… and so I’m running.” Get more information at http://www.marianneforcongres