Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 22- Michael Levitin ( with Christina Tobin



On December 18, 2013, Free & Equal’s Christina Tobin talked with Michael Levitin, journalist and activist, former correspondent with Newsweek, Time, LA Times, and Daily Telegraph, currently editor of Occupy Wall Street Journal and, a central hub of the occupy movement across the world. Levitin talks about how when he was writing for corporate media, although he was able to cover worthwhile subjects such as protests and environmental issues, he was never able to use the “appropriate vocabulary.” Working now in the alternative media, he is able to use a new language, not a corporate language, that is more appropriate for the 99%. Levitin discusses a new campaign he is working on called Fed Up 100, launching on December 23rd on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Reserve. Levitin explains that the Fed issue was a foundational grievance of Occupy protests. He explains that the Fed is a private bank, not part of the Federal government. With a truly Federal central bank, we the pe