Rhino Mentality Podcast With Chris Swenson

Ep 27 - Mental Toughness Tools - Keep it in Perspective



Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. – Marcus Aurelius “Life aint always beautiful” as Gary Allan’s song dictates. “Sometimes is just plain hard” as the song continues. It’s during these hard times that we tend to lose perspective and freak out! Keeping an eye on our response to this challenging time is vital. How many of us tend to make a mountain out of a mole hill? Or, a mountain range out of a mountain? Why make it worse than what it already is! The mind can play terrible tricks on us when we lose perspective. You ever seen a person with a blind fold on reaching into a tank that has a teddy bear in it; however, they have no idea what is actually in the tank? They start freaking out and reacting to whatever their minds are presenting to them. Makes for good entertainment for those watching though, LOL! A simple phrase or mantra can help during these times. Go ahead and listen to the episode to learn what that phrase is and how it can really he