Rhino Mentality Podcast With Chris Swenson

#25 - How to Improve Concentration and Focus When Distracted



Two very important aspects that help you perform better are your ability to concentrate and focus. Recently, I read numerous articles on this topic and a couple of strategies seem to emerge that work the best; eliminate distractions and stop multi-tasking. By eliminating distractions and focusing on one task at a time, your performance will increase because your ability to concentrate and focus will be less hindered. Now, these great strategies definitely work; don’t get me wrong. However, the truth is we all live and operate in a world filled with distractions. In other words, we do not have complete control over our environments all the time; unless you live in laboratory LOL. So, how do we improve our ability to focus and concentrate while operating and living in a world filled with distractions? Check out the episode for details on how to train and actually improve your concentration and focus so you can perform better while being distracted. Download a free training guide, "5 Proven Steps to Improve